Monday, June 2, 2008


I really have three different opinions of hell. The first is a vast grey plane. It stretches on indefinitely and is bleak in any sane persons perspective. It has no distinguishing features and the sky is just a mass or ominous grey clouds. My second hell is a burning storm of heat. Where the first hell does not have a temperature, the second hell is hot on the point of scalding your skin. It has a broken and twisted landscape with red lightning striking in random intervals and igniting patches of sulfurous land. My third and final hell is a square room with rows of desks, and people constantly hounding me for things that I have no idea about. I suppose that each of these hells symbolizes things that I hate, but I'm not really feeling the explaining vibe.


Alex said...

so what does the endless grey plane represent? Does that symbolize your hatred of bordem?

John said...

No. I actually like boredom, or rather i like having nothing to do. This endless gray plane really doesn't symbolize much besides the fact that I imagine the a huge gaping space filled with gray could easily be a greater place of torment than the "pit of fire." At least its warm in the pit but to be stuck in a endless, bleak tundra would probally drive me off the edge.